# Sql Server总结
# sql server证书加密解密
use dbname; --创建master key CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD ='password'; 2. use dbname; --创建证书 CREATE CERTIFICATE 证书名字 with SUBJECT = 'Certificate' GO 3. use dbname; --由证书加密对称密钥 CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY 密钥名字 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE 证书名字; GO 4. use dbname; --打开对称密钥 OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY 密钥名字 DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE 证书名字;
# sql行转列
max(case when xx then xx else xx end) as 新列名
# EF转为sql
IDictionary<int, int> IInvoice.GetInvoiceIdsByUserId(Guid userId)
using (var context = new eFileForBusiness_DEVEntities())
((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = DBUtils.CommandTimeout;
context.Database.Log = x => logger.Trace(x.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
var InvoiceIds = context.UserForms
.Where(x => x.UserId.Equals(userId) && (x.FormStatus.Equals("B") || x.FormStatus.Equals("T")))
.GroupBy(x => x.InvoiceId)
.Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).ToList().Where(x => x.InvoiceId > 0)
.Select(x => { return new { id = x.InvoiceId ?? 0 }; })
.OrderByDescending(i => i.id);
return InvoiceIds.ToDictionary(x => x.id, x => x.id);
IDictionary<int, int> IInvoice.GetInvoiceIdsByUserId(Guid userId)
using (var context = new eFileForBusiness_DEVEntities())
((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = DBUtils.CommandTimeout;
context.Database.Log = x => logger.Trace(x.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataReader InvoiceIds = null;
var paramSet = new SqlParameter[1];
paramSet[0] = new SqlParameter("@UserId", userId);
using (InvoiceIds = DBUtils.ExecuteReader(this.DBConnString, CommandType.Text, "select distinct invoiceid from invoice where userId = @UserId", paramSet))
if (InvoiceIds != null)
return dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().ToDictionary(x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0].ToString()), x => Convert.ToInt32(x[0].ToString()));
# Sql实现多选查询
IF Object_id('tempdb..#StudentName') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StudentName Select * INTO #StudentName FROM dbo.Split(@StudentName,',') //新建临时表,每次执行时判断若不为空则删除表,再建 临时表 内容from function
select Uname,max(case when Cname = '烦人的T-SQL' then joinornot else 0 end) as '烦人的T-SQL', max(case when Cname = 'Android & iOS 与 Asp.net的那点事儿' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'Android & iOS 与 Asp.net的那点事儿', max(case when Cname = '使用Autofac实现控制反转和依赖注入' then joinornot else 0 end) as '使用Autofac实现控制反转和依赖注入', max(case when Cname = '手机测试基础' then joinornot else 0 end) as '手机测试基础', max(case when Cname = '微信小程序开发入门' then joinornot else 0 end) as '微信小程序开发入门', max(case when Cname = '深入浅出机器学习-神经网络' then joinornot else 0 end) as '深入浅出机器学习-神经网络', max(case when Cname = '前端的响应式编程基础' then joinornot else 0 end) as '前端的响应式编程基础', max(case when Cname = 'CSS3新特性介绍' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'CSS3新特性介绍', max(case when Cname = 'AR for Android – Tango Introduction' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'AR for Android – Tango Introduction', max(case when Cname = 'ES6 语法的深入讲解' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'ES6 语法的深入讲解', max(case when Cname = 'C#.NET中级技术培训' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'C#.NET中级技术培训', max(case when Cname = '使用Vue开发简单的SPA' then joinornot else 0 end) as '使用Vue开发简单的SPA', max(case when Cname = 'T-SQL存储过程最佳实践' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'T-SQL存储过程最佳实践', max(case when Cname = 'Vue 中级' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'Vue 中级', max(case when Cname = '自动化测试入门' then joinornot else 0 end) as '自动化测试入门', max(case when Cname = 'C#.NET基础' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'C#.NET基础', max(case when Cname = 'PMP考试介绍及经验分享' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'PMP考试介绍及经验分享', max(case when Cname = 'Kanban - Introduction' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'Kanban - Introduction', max(case when Cname = '自动化测试之页面元素定位' then joinornot else 0 end) as '自动化测试之页面元素定位', max(case when Cname = 'Test Case Design' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'Test Case Design', max(case when Cname = 'Solution Best Practices' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'Solution Best Practices', max(case when Cname = 'EF Core' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'EF Core', max(case when Cname = '1' then joinornot else 0 end) as '1', max(case when Cname = 'asad' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'asad', max(case when Cname = '数据库新时代 - 拥抱开源' then joinornot else 0 end) as '数据库新时代 - 拥抱开源', max(case when Cname = '数据库新时代 - 拥抱开源' then joinornot else 0 end) as '数据库新时代 - 拥抱开源', max(case when Cname = '数据库新时代 拥抱开源' then joinornot else 0 end) as '数据库新时代 拥抱开源', max(case when Cname = '数据库新时代拥抱开源' then joinornot else 0 end) as '数据库新时代拥抱开源', max(case when Cname = 'NL – India Culture' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'NL – India Culture', max(case when Cname = 'DEVOPS 入门 (持续集成,持续部署实践) ' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'DEVOPS 入门 (持续集成,持续部署实践) ', max(case when Cname = '可复制的领导力' then joinornot else 0 end) as '可复制的领导力', max(case when Cname = 'MES基础培训' then joinornot else 0 end) as 'MES基础培训',count(Uname) Rowtotal from ShowAllStuCourse ssc
where Uname in (SELECT * FROM #StudentName)
and ssc.CourseStartDate >= @FromDate and ssc.CourseStartDate < dateadd(day,1,@ToDate) group by Uname having count(Uname) >=1
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Split] //函数名称(@参数名 参数的数据类型) (
@String nvarchar(max),
@Delimiter VARCHAR(5)
RETURNS @SplittedValues TABLE //返回返回值的数据类型 //table 存储结果集,供稍后处理 (
SplitValue VARCHAR(200)
AS BEGIN //函数体
DECLARE @SplitLength INT
WHILE LEN(@String) > 0 //LEN()函数返回文本字段中值得长度
SELECT @SplitLength = (
CASE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) //返回@Delimiter在@String中的起始位置,默认从第一位开始
WHEN 0 //单选
THEN LEN(@String)
ELSE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) -1
INSERT INTO @SplittedValues
SELECT SUBSTRING(@String,1,@SplitLength) //截取字符串@String,从第1位开始,截取@SplitLength长
SELECT @String = (
CASE (LEN(@String) - @SplitLength)
ELSE RIGHT(@String, LEN(@String) - @SplitLength - 1) //RIGHT函数,返回字符串从右边开始指定个数的字符